Strong Small Business Leaders…
1. align Actions with their PERSONAL VALUES
Their Values are OTHER focused. They understand that life’s greatest rewards are achieved thru building INTERDEPENDENT RELATIONSHIPS and so they see their work as a platform filled with OPPORTUNITY to make a positive difference.
Their Values are guided by biblically based CONVICTIONS. They are not lead by emotions or swayed by the need to be a “People Pleaser”. Led by biblically based Convictions they see CLEARLY the path that is most beneficial and fair for all parties concerned.
Their Values lead them to work in their PASSION Zone. They have taken the time to discover what they are most passionate about and seek to align their work with their passion.
2. are Tenaciously FOCUSED
They clearly understand what they are going toward and are not distracted. Often people give up just before the obstacle was about to be overcome.
Watch as Tyler Perry gives a short powerful explanation. 
Using a Business Plan or Marketing Plan they remain Focused with the Discipline of Patience. Just as a Bamboo Farmer must do the disciplined work of preparing for the success they too understand that success is not something that comes immediately.
Learn about the Miracle of the Bamboo and the Success Lesson it teaches
Thier growth mindset of a strong small business leader allows them to see FAILURE as “not yet” and a learning opportunity, bringing them one step closer to the goal. Thomas Edison understood this with over 2,000 attempts at creating the light bulb.
Watch as Carol Dweck shares the Radical Power of a Growth Mindset in her Ted Talk
Their growth mindset allows them to embrace CHANGE. Growth involves the unexpected. They keep control of their attitude and are able to quickly adjust to different circumstances positively.
Their growth mindset allows them to exude a POSITIVE ATTITUDE thru discomforts. They see enduring challenges as an even greater opportunity to encourage and impact the lives of others.
Their mindset and or time perspective is to live in the PRESENT. They embrace sharing from what they learned in the past while moving on without dwelling there. Though they make plans for the future, they have an appropriate “actions speak” now focus.
4. Strong Small Business Leaders ASK FOR HELP
Whether they need help with developing a Competitive Advantage or creating a Marketing Budget Small Business Leaders see asking for help from their team and outside experts as a wise habit. Recognizing each person has a set of gifts that is a compliment to another person, they are able to lead the group to their greatest potential.
They seek a multitude of council and embrace accountability thru an environment of shared leadership. They accept personal responsibility for failure and share the accolades of success with others thru a process of measuring progress.
They understand what active listening is and how it benefits their success.
They seek first to understand the needs of others then communicate in a straight forward manner that is kind and fair.
7. make time for RESTORATION and GROWTH
They identify themselves as “worthy” and so prioritize personal time for; spiritual growth, time to rest and refresh, continued learning, physical training, good nutrition and other important habits that allow them to reach their full potential.